Probiotic Face Cream Testimonials - Natren, Inc.

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Probiotic Face Cream Testimonials

"Just wanted to give you some feedback regarding the Face Cream:

I love the probiotic face cream! I love the product. It does everything that you said it would. My skin has never looked better. The pores look smaller and the color and clarity are better! Thank you for your time." Deborah E., CA

I am a Registered Nurse and I am 53 years old. I have used Obaji Face products off and on for years now and have had in the last 8 years two Obaji Blue Chemical Peels, the recent one being April 8, 2008. These products are highly recommended world-wide as being the system that really effects skin appearance, I purchased the Probiotic Face Cream about 10 days ago, and it has given me superior results in the appearance and radiance of my skin.

I am just delighted with the results! The only other product I use with the Probiotic Face Cream has been Natasha's Pre-Biotic Daily Cleansing Preparation and a SPF 35 sunscreen. Thank you for these very effective and wonderful skin products. I have just ordered in addition to the above products from Natren, the Probiotic Face Mask System, which I can't wait to try! Diana W., TX


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