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When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics?

When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics?

August 13, 2019

We often get asked when is the best time to take probiotics – morning, evening, before or after food. Taking probiotics at any time is better than not taking them at all, of course, but taking probiotics at the right time can optimize the health benefits of this supplement. Staying on a regular routine can be difficult for some people, as hectic lifestyles can make it hard to do anything at the same time each day. Other people take so many medications that they simply add probiotics to the handful of pills they already take, with little regard as to.... [Read More...]

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PRObiotics vs. PREbiotics – What You Need to Know

PRObiotics vs. PREbiotics – What You Need to Know

February 05, 2018

Many people do not realize that their bodies play host to tens of trillions of bacteria and that the microorganisms living inside them play a big role in human health. Some of the bacteria, viruses, yeast and other microorganisms can cause ill health. Probiotics are living microorganisms that, in adequate amounts, can provide a health benefit to the host. All living organisms, including the microbiota living in the gut, need food to survive. Probiotics living in the gut consume carbohydrates. They get these carbohydrates, known as prebiotics, from the food the host eats. Most, but not all, prebiotics are a.... [Read More...]

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Should I Take a Probiotic Every Day?

Should I Take a Probiotic Every Day?

January 08, 2018

The human body contains an ecosystem of bacteria that perform essential functions such as digestion and immune system maintenance. Like any ecosystem, it requires a certain amount of give and take to keep it in optimal balance. That is why a probiotic supplement fits into the daily schedule. As friendly bacteria leave the body, probiotics fill the void to keep that critical ecosystem diverse and well proportioned. Is taking a probiotic each day too much? Well, it’s not just safe to take a probiotic supplement daily, it is recommended for most people. Consider some reasons you might need probiotics every.... [Read More...]

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How Do I Know If My Probiotics Are Working

How Do I Know If My Probiotics Are Working

April 24, 2017

Do you take a probiotic to improve your health but sometimes wonder if your supplements are working, or if the friendly bacteria are just passing straight through your digestive tract? Probiotics improve health in a variety of ways and many consumers notice the improvements gained by probiotic supplements right away, but others worry that their supplements may not be working, and they have no idea if they are literally flushing their money away. If you take a probiotic supplement and wonder if it is working, or if a stool analysis shows low bacteria counts, you may have questions. Two Frequently.... [Read More...]

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Do We Really Need Probiotics In Our Drinks, Butter And Protein Bars?

Do We Really Need Probiotics In Our Drinks, Butter And Protein Bars?

June 06, 2016

Probiotics has turned into a marketing buzzword, incorporated into advertising plans for all kinds of products, but how do consumers know what works and what doesn’t? The market for probiotics is growing at an alarming pace with very little accurate information accessible to the public. Everything from packaged goods to cold brew coffee now claims to be a source of probiotics. This fad is leading to more and more “probiotic” junk food on the shelves at your local grocery store. But do you really need probiotics in everything you eat and drink? And what kind of bacteria can last heating,.... [Read More...]

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Human Strains, Yogurt Strains? Where Did this Bacteria Come From?

Human Strains, Yogurt Strains? Where Did this Bacteria Come From?

November 16, 2015

Human Strain Probiotics Over the years, we’ve received many emails from our customers asking just about every question under the sun with regards to probiotics (keep them coming, we’re happy to help you!). Very recently, one of our customers wrote in asking us to explain the meaning of Human Strain Probiotics, what are the sources of Natren probiotics and particularly, where are they cultured?   She was deeply concerned with contamination and even more troubled that the strains may have been cultured from human sources. While we’ve reassured her that the bacteria used to culture our probiotics are obtained from an.... [Read More...]

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Why Should a Healthy Person Take a Probiotic Every Day?

Why Should a Healthy Person Take a Probiotic Every Day?

April 13, 2015

You eat a healthy diet of mostly whole, unprocessed foods most of the time, exercise and feel pretty good. You pride yourself on making the right decisions about your health and preventing health problems before they happen. Congratulations! You’re off to a great start.  Since you’re eating a healthy diet, you may wonder why you should take a probiotic supplement every day. Why would a healthy person like you really need the advantage that gut-friendly bacteria in probiotics offer? Bacteria are Everywhere Even if you eat a healthy diet, you don’t have complete control over the bacteria that enter your.... [Read More...]

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Flexible Probiotics, Customized To Meet Your Individual Needs

Flexible Probiotics, Customized To Meet Your Individual Needs

February 16, 2015

Many people consider probiotics to be a one-size-fits-all supplement, without really considering the details of what is inside the product. It can be difficult to separate the marketing hype from the real health benefits– with so many products filling the shelves, advertising that they contain the “largest number of strains”, or the “highest number of bacteria units”, and other claims that are made more for shock-and-awe marketing value rather than any meaningful scientific merit. The reality is that we are not all created equal, and therefore our dietary supplements should be chosen to match the needs of the individual. It.... [Read More...]

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What Are Probiotics Anyway?

What Are Probiotics Anyway?

October 13, 2014

We obviously talk a lot about probiotics here because probiotics are ALL that we do. But what exactly are probiotics anyway? To start, it helps to understand that the world is populated by billions and billions of tiny microbes – or microscopic organisms. These microbes make up a large majority of larger life forms and have symbiotic relationships with plants, animals, and humans. Symbiotic literally means “together living” or a close and mutually beneficial relationship between two different species, in this case bacteria and humans. There are actually 10 times more bacteria living on and within the human body than.... [Read More...]

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Natren Oil Matrix Delivery System

Natren Oil Matrix Delivery System

March 10, 2014

One of the great attributes of Natren that elevates the quality of our probiotics above those of others is the length that we go to in protecting the beneficial bacteria from manufacture to gut for maximum potency and effectiveness. Starting with refrigerated delivery all through the supply chain, through to the Oil Matrix Delivery used in Healthy Trinity to protect the beneficial bacteria as it passes through the stomach. But what is this Oil Matrix Delivery System, why is it necessary, and how does it work? Its primary role is to ensure that the beneficial bacterial survive the acid-bath in.... [Read More...]

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