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When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics?

When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics?

August 13, 2019

We often get asked when is the best time to take probiotics – morning, evening, before or after food. Taking probiotics at any time is better than not taking them at all, of course, but taking probiotics at the right time can optimize the health benefits of this supplement. Staying on a regular routine can be difficult for some people, as hectic lifestyles can make it hard to do anything at the same time each day. Other people take so many medications that they simply add probiotics to the handful of pills they already take, with little regard as to.... [Read More...]

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PRObiotics vs. PREbiotics – What You Need to Know

PRObiotics vs. PREbiotics – What You Need to Know

February 05, 2018

Many people do not realize that their bodies play host to tens of trillions of bacteria and that the microorganisms living inside them play a big role in human health. Some of the bacteria, viruses, yeast and other microorganisms can cause ill health. Probiotics are living microorganisms that, in adequate amounts, can provide a health benefit to the host. All living organisms, including the microbiota living in the gut, need food to survive. Probiotics living in the gut consume carbohydrates. They get these carbohydrates, known as prebiotics, from the food the host eats. Most, but not all, prebiotics are a.... [Read More...]

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Probiotics & Constipation

Probiotics & Constipation

November 13, 2017

Looking For the Best Probiotic For Constipation? Constipation is more than an uncomfortable inconvenience; it can be a sign of some serious health problems including: A toxic gut Numerous types of GI cancer Nerve problems Hormone problems Allowing partially digested food to sit in the body for too long, without normal eliminations, can expose a person to a buildup of toxins. Poor eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle and certain medications can also cause symptoms of constipation. More recent research is bringing light to the imbalances of bacteria in the gut that play a role in constipation and the concept of.... [Read More...]

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Can Probiotic Bacteria Help Clear Heavy Metals from the Body?

Can Probiotic Bacteria Help Clear Heavy Metals from the Body?

November 06, 2017

Are probiotics something that can help the body fight off heavy metals? A number of researchers are looking into ways that the right probiotics might aid people exposed to certain heavy metals such as mercury or arsenic. Medical science already understands how critical a diverse gut microbiota is to overall health, but they are shining a new light on how bacteria can provide additional health benefits related to heavy metals. About Heavy Metals Heavy metals are elements that occur naturally in nature. They get their name from their atomic weight, which is five times more dense than water. Although heavy.... [Read More...]

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Could Probiotics Be the Answer for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Infections?

Could Probiotics Be the Answer for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Infections?

October 02, 2017

Looking For the Best Probiotic For H. Pylori? Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that can cause ulcers, gastritis and other illnesses. Doctors currently treat H. pylori infections with antibiotics and medications to control stomach acid. Resistance to antibiotics can lower the effectiveness of treatment; side effects to antibiotics can also make treatment less effective. New research shows that using probiotics may improve antibiotic treatment for H. pylori infection and reduce side effects. About H. Pylori Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are bacteria that can infect the stomach. H. pylori infection can cause peptic ulcers, which are painful.... [Read More...]

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Probiotic Bacteria are Being Studied for Root Canals

Probiotic Bacteria are Being Studied for Root Canals

May 22, 2017

Is it possible that probiotics can make a root canal more effective? It’s a question that is not fully answered yet, but some scientists have felt it was worth asking. A 2017 study published in the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry looked at this very scenario to see if using probiotic products containing the right mix of healthy bacteria might help improve or maybe even prevent the basic root canal. What is a Root Canal? A root canal is an endodontic procedure designed to repair and save a decaying tooth. The objective of most root canals.... [Read More...]

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When Bacteria Don’t Get Along: The Multi-Strain Problem

When Bacteria Don’t Get Along: The Multi-Strain Problem

September 26, 2016

Did you know that your gut is an ecosystem for bacteria? It’s a concept that can get lost when consumers consider the benefits of probiotics. More is not really the point of a successful ecosystem – balance is the objective. When living organisms compete for resources, they must fight to survive. In science, this is known as antagonistic – two or more species fight to thrive in one ecosystem. Bacteria are naturally antagonistic, so when placed in the same system they don’t play well together. What happens when bacteria don’t get along? The Problem with Multi-Strain Products If you were.... [Read More...]

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Can Your Future Children be Affected by Your Diet Choices Today?

Can Your Future Children be Affected by Your Diet Choices Today?

April 11, 2016

Your diet choices today could affect members of your family who have not even been born yet. A recent study suggests that, while changing your diet today can help your body recover, a poor diet over the course of several generations can forever alter the digestive tract of your descendants within three or four generations. This means your great-grandchildren can suffer negative effects from what you eat today. Results from a Stanford University School of Medicine study suggest low-fiber diets, like those commonly consumed in the United States and other industrial societies, can result in health problems that you can.... [Read More...]

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Best Probiotics

January 11, 2016

We think Natren makes the best probiotics, here’s why: Natren’s Super Strains Natren only uses powerful super strains of bacteria. These strains are scientifically documented in numerous published research articles. To be a super strain, the probiotic must be isolated, identified and proven beneficial to human health. In addition, Natren doesn’t use any ingredients produced by biotechnology and, as a result, uses only naturally occurring strains with no artificial genetic manipulation. Our strains have repeatedly shown to be safe, without producing significant side effects, even when administered in large amounts. Scientifically Correct Bacterial Counts for Each Strain Probiotic supplements should.... [Read More...]

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Don’t Fall for the Fall

Don’t Fall for the Fall

October 05, 2015

As soon as the kids have gone back to school, it doesn’t seem like much time passes at all before it’s Halloween, then it’s Thanksgiving and before you know it, the Christmas Holiday season is upon us. Hey just a minute, where did the year go? Every year, we go through the same routine, yet every year we put ourselves through the same stress. All that rushing around, making sure everyone’s happy, content and well-fed, just to do it all over again next year. We say we’re not going to do it again this year, but we do. The holiday.... [Read More...]

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When Your Kids Are Bringing Home More Than Homework

When Your Kids Are Bringing Home More Than Homework

September 14, 2015

A Guide to Natren’s Probiotics for the Entire Family The long, lazy days of summer are over, and the kids are back in school – phew! However, the celebration is short-lived – along with bringing home a pile of homework they’re more than likely going to be bringing home a few unwanted germs too. All it takes is one cough or sneeze in the classroom, and before long everyone in the household is feeling under the weather. Kids are exposed to a number of germs and bugs every day, and unfortunately, getting sick when they’re young is part of the.... [Read More...]

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