Probiotics by Need - Natren, Inc.

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Probiotics by Need

Bloating / Weightloss

Healthy Trinity

Among a variety of other health issues, poor digestion can cause weight gain, gas and bloating. In fact, numerous pounds of excess waste can be in your body at any given time. Healthy Trinity improves digestion by sweeping out waste through the large intestine, thus supporting a trimmer physique and overall gut health.


[My doctor] recommended that I take 1 capsule of Natren Healthy Trinity a day. I have been astonished at the difference Natren has made. I have no more straining, and movement throughout my digestive system is much smoother. I also no longer feel bloated. I am enjoying a much healthier feeling now that both of my issues are resolved. Natren has been a very easy and effective ‘fix’ to move me from poor gut health back to a much healthier status. Had I not begun taking Natren, I believe my hemorrhoidal issues would have resurfaced!

- M. E., California

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Digesta-lac is a unique, quick-acting product that helps to both reduce indigestion that causes gas and bloating, while also stimulating better digestion for more energy and overall well-being. This product is available in both Dairy and Dairy Free.


I tried Digesta-Lac because I was having occasional constipation and gas. After only a few days, I noticed a big difference. I no longer have the gas and my constipation is gone, too! Thank you so much, I tell everyone how great your products are!

Brian H., KY

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Skincare / Beauty

Healthy Trinity

Healthy Trinity is clinically tested to improve skin’s texture, luminosity and appearance. As more than 80% of the health of your complexion comes from the inside, probiotics are an important but often neglected part of your overall beauty routine.


[My doctor] recommended that I take 1 capsule of Natren Healthy Trinity a day. I have been astonished at the difference Natren has made. I have no more straining, and movement throughout my digestive system is much smoother. I also no longer feel bloated. I am enjoying a much healthier feeling now that both of my issues are resolved. Natren has been a very easy and effective ‘fix’ to move me from poor gut health back to a much healthier status. Had I not begun taking Natren, I believe my hemorrhoidal issues would have resurfaced!

- M. E., California

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Healthy Start System

Feel like you’re constantly fighting to stay awake? Fatigue can often be a result of improper digestion, absorption of nutrients, and immune system exhaustion. Depending on your individual needs, Natren’s precision probiotic system can be combined and customized to improve digestion and raise energy levels.


Bifido Factor in [the] Healthy Start System is great for reducing my anxiety.

- Russell, US

I have been using MegaDophilus, Bifido Factor, and Digesta-Lac in powder form for almost ten years. But since taking the powders, I have energy and feel great! I have used both MegaDophilus and Digesta-Lac as a facial mask, too, and love what it does for my skin. I find my body absorbs vitamins and calcium better now as well. I would not be without these powders, ever!

- Connie D., California

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Senior health

Healthy Trinity

A significant depletion of bifidobacteria, a major genera of bacteria that make up the gastrointestinal tract microbiota, occurs after forty. Healthy Trinity delivers a vast amount of healthy and active bifidobacteria to the large intestine, to help ensure better liver function, better waste disposal, and better sleep.


I want to thank your company so VERY much for all the benefits that I receive from taking Healthy Trinity every day. It certainly keeps my digestive tract in a very harmonious state. I have become a Natren flag-waving, never-to-be-without advocate.

- James F., CA

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Healthy Start System

The unique Healthy Start System has an unmatched effective composition of individual probiotic bacteria in separate bottles–one bottle for the small intestine, one for the large intestine, and one for immediate digestive aid. As the depletion of bifidobacteria can be above 60% as we age, it is important for every senior to use a healthy, undamaged unique selection of probiotic bacteria for their longevity and health.


I just want to tell you how grateful I am for your products. Luckily, I read an article about the benefits of probiotics, which mentioned Natren's products as being of a high quality and potency, and decided to give them a try. I had tried different brands of acidophilus in table form before which had no noticeable effect. However, after a daily program of Megadophilus, Digesta-Lac, and Bifido Factor, a great load lifted from my shoulders as I feel that my body has achieved a natural balance once again.

- L.R., CA

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Pregnancy / Women’s Health

Life Start Vegan powder

Life Start Vegan Powder is a great probiotic for pregnant, nursing mothers, infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals of all ages, both due to its powdered form and non-dairy formula. It can be used alone, or with any other Natren precision probiotic.


This is a probiotic that's suitable for people with cow-milk intolerance. Bifidobacteria are important and since this is suitable for children, it is also suitable for adults who are too sensitive for some of the combination products out there. Most probiotics make me itchy but I can take this one safely. I have recommended it to other people.

- Colinda, US

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Gy-Na-tren is a unique vaginal health care system that uses a homeopathic preparation and a special strain of L. acidophilus studied at the Yale nursing school for vaginal health.


I was having recurrent yeast and sometimes bacterial infections for years (even though it says for yeast infections, I used it for both). Doctors kept moving me to stronger and stronger [prescription] doses, until they said I had made it to the strongest they could go. I was desperate and found this at my health food store. It worked so well that after 3 courses I have never had to go back to the doctor for more prescriptions. All symptoms disappeared. I keep this on hand in my fridge just in case I should need it again. I want every woman to know about this, it literally changed my life.

- Emilie, US

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