Yogurt is one of the best-known probiotic foods. Many well-known brands fill the supermarket shelves; however looking at the label can be a shock. Amongst all those sugars, flavors and preservatives, there are only two required ingredients: Milk and Starting Bacteria. Fortunately, a tasty and healthy yogurt can be easily made at home without all those unnecessary additives. Making yogurt takes three easy steps: Scolding the milk, adding yogurt starter to the cooled milk, and then incubating the milk in a warm place to make the final yogurt. The result is a delicious product that you can eat with a.... [Read More...]
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On January 31st 2014, we say goodbye to the Year of the Snake, and welcome the Year of the Horse. We wish all of our customers a happy and healthy Chinese New Year. It is interesting to take a look at traditional Chinese medicine, and see the similarities with the principles that underpin our work with probiotics. Our philosophy is that the gut and intestines form a “second brain”, which is strongly connected to our primary brain. Great intestinal health leads to stronger natural defenses, a brighter mood, a healthier body, and fewer digestive issues. Similarly, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes.... [Read More...]
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Here at Natren, we obviously believe that we have the best probiotic on the market! We also believe that everyone should make intelligent decisions about their health, especially knowing exactly what they are putting into their body. So rather than just saying how great we are, here are some of the key things to look for when selecting any probiotic. In our last article, we discussed the state of regulation amongst probiotic suppliers and the importance of verified potency. This time, we’ll take a closer look at some of the key things to look for when selecting any probiotic Potency.... [Read More...]
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The word “Probiotic” is used to describe a large number of different foods, supplements and drinks. As a consumer, it can be difficult to get to grips with these products, how effective they are, and which ones offer value for money and deliver on their promises. Probiotics are classified as Dietary Supplements by the FDA, and not as Drugs. This different level of regulation means that specific claims to treat or cure illnesses cannot be made. Instead, we see many probiotic brands escalating their marketing campaigns with claims of large numbers of (largely unverified) strains, trying to make their product.... [Read More...]
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By KC Kahn Hi, friends and fans, I’m KC – the Kitchen Chopper. I blog about my Healthful Eating Concept – The Chopped – at http://www.theKitchenChopper.com Best of intensions aside, the holidays wreak havoc on our budgets and waistlines. Something about this time of year. Don’t over-think it. Parties, shopping, a busy workday – our smart habits go by the wayside. ‘Tis the Season. I can help you get back on track with two words…The Chopped. The Chopped is a healthful eating concept I created that shows you how to make budget-friendly meals using only chopped ingredients in proper proportion. .... [Read More...]
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During the holiday season, it’s easy to get on the wrong side of the calorie count. Finding time for getting some well needed exercise gets more difficult especially as the weather gets colder and the motivation to go for a run outside starts to sag. While the gym might be an option, and full of great exercise equipment, you still need to get there, and it’s easy to make the excuses not to go. Indoor workout routines can be a great choice for this time of year. Just roll out an exercise mat, put on some good music or a.... [Read More...]
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The New Year is a time of new beginnings. It’s the chance to start down a healthier path or recommit to living healthy. The key is to choose realistic goals you can stick with for more than a few weeks. The only New Year’s resolutions that really count are the ones you’re still doing when the next New Year rolls around. So make them realistic and achievable – not something you KNOW you won’t be able to sustain. Here are some resolutions that can help you to be healthier and happier in 2014. You’ve probably made the commitment to exercise.... [Read More...]
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The holidays are a time of celebration and joy but along with the pleasure of spending time with friends and family comes stress. After all, someone has to prepare all that food! Then there’s the gift giving. Crowded stores, lack of shopping time and uncertainty about what to give creates even more stress. After all, does Aunt Alice really need another wool sweater as a gift this year? So many decisions and such little time. That’s when the stress level starts to rise. Here are some tips to help you de-stress and keep things in perspective around the holidays. Keep.... [Read More...]
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Still thinking of ideas for holiday gifts? Why not give the gift of health this year with Natren Probiotics? A bottle of probiotic capsules might not seem like a conventional gift this time of year, but think about what it represents: To those who are familiar with Natren’s probiotics, they will truly appreciate receiving the product they know and love. If you already use Natren probiotics, then you already know the benefits of a healthy and well-functioning digestive system, supported immune system and a stronger mind – who wouldn’t want to give all those properties as a gift to their.... [Read More...]
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Passing gas is perfectly normal, although a bit embarrassing when you’re in a public place! The average person produces 400 to 2400 milliliters of gas a day and passes around 30 to 120 milliliters a day. That’s a lot of gas! What causes flatulence in the first place? Several things may play a role such as swallowed air and the breakdown of indigestible carbohydrates, usually fiber, caused by bad bacteria in your gut. If you eat a meal too fast, sip liquid through a straw, drink a carbonated beverage, chew gum or talk while you’re eating, you suck in air.... [Read More...]
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Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude for all you have and to celebrate family and the company of friends. Of course, we should be grateful for every day, but Thanksgiving offers an opportunity to share our gratitude with others – and enjoy a bountiful meal at the same time. Ah, the taste of freshly-carved turkey and rich gravy, mashed potatoes, dressing and a touch of tart from the cranberries! It’s a meal to remember long after the dishes have been washed and put away. Of course, you want those memories to be pleasant ones, not marred by digestive upset.... [Read More...]
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Do you know what’s in the food you’re eating? We’re not talking about food additives like salt and sugar – but bacteria. Foodborne illness due to harmful bacteria in food is on the rise in the United States. Here are some eye-opening statistics. The Environmental Working Group found that government tests of supermarket meat revealed antibiotic-resistant bacteria, often referred to as “superbugs”, in 81% of ground turkey, 69% of pork chops, 55% of ground beef and 39% of chicken breast, wings and thighs. That’s a hefty percentage of the meat found in supermarkets! Foodborne illness can be fatal, especially in.... [Read More...]
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November is officially “American Diabetes Month,” so-named to raise awareness of just how common this health problem is becoming. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of cases of diabetes rose by 100% or more in 18 states between the years 1995 to 2010. That’s a pretty disturbing increase, especially considering diabetes is a risk factor for other health problems including heart disease, kidney disease, nerve damage, visual problems and even the risk of certain types of cancer. The most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes and it’s strongly linked with obesity. The reason?.... [Read More...]
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Your digestive tract is not only responsible for breaking down and absorbing the food you eat – it also acts as a barrier against foreign substances, including undesirable bacteria. Most people are surprised to learn that 70% of their immune system lies in their intestinal tract – but this shouldn’t be surprising at all. After all, your digestive tract is one of the main entry points for harmful substances and bacteria. That means there has to be safeguards for making sure these undesirable microorganisms can’t take up residence in your gut or be absorbed into your blood stream. That’s where.... [Read More...]
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There is a growing appreciation for the health benefits of probiotics for both adults and children, but did you know that probiotics are also important for the health of our furry family members? Holistic veterinarians have been supporting their animal patients’ gastrointestinal health with probiotics for pets and livestock for years. As in humans, the gastrointestinal tract of an animal is home to a diverse population of beneficial bacteria that help maintain general health and wellness. The proper balance of healthy bacteria is very important to dogs, cats, livestock, and even birds. A pet with a healthy, well functioning.... [Read More...]
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Last week we highlighted the importance of having probiotics in your diet to create a healthy gut flora balance, and also ensuring that when you do consume probiotics, they count and deliver the benefits that you are expecting. We call these “functional foods”. A functional food is one that provides health benefits, not just nutritional benefits. Classic fermented functional foods such as sauerkraut, kefir and yogurt are often praised for their probiotic benefits, but many times they fall short of their potential – both from unhealthy additives, but also, because the type of bacteria strains within the product may not.... [Read More...]
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