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Natasha’s Gentle but Powerful New Year Cleanse

Natasha’s Gentle but Powerful New Year Cleanse

January 22, 2018

If you are like many Americans, you made a New Year’s resolution. Many people resolve to improve their health over the next year. In fact, losing weight/healthier eating and life/self improvements are at the top of the list. Getting a clean start is a great way to begin a new year, so many people look for ways to remove toxins from their bodies. About Cleansing When people talk about cleansing, they could mean anything from full-blown colon cleansing, to a cleaning diet. In the past, we have spoken about the dangers of colon cleansing, which aside from being a deeply.... [Read More...]

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4 Tips for Staying Healthy this Fall & Winter

4 Tips for Staying Healthy this Fall & Winter

October 30, 2017

‘Tis the season for changing leaves and spooky pumpkins. For most people, fall means cooler temperatures, raking leaves and weekend footballs games along with the knowledge that the holiday season is not far away. Whether you’re biggest temptation is Halloween goodies or Christmas cookies, fall also brings with it a host of tummy troubles and, of course, cold and flu season. About Cold and Flu Season The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that influenza is really a threat all year long, but it peaks during fall and winter and is especially prevalent during the months of December and.... [Read More...]

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A Proactive Approach to Men’s Health May Save Your Life

A Proactive Approach to Men’s Health May Save Your Life

July 11, 2017

What does it take to get you to see a doctor? If you are like 63 percent of men in a recent survey, you probably would not seek medical care unless you are in severe, prolonged pain- vomiting, itching or even bleeding is not enough to get you there. The survey of 2,000 men shed some interesting light on the male point of view when it comes to health . ln real life, some guys say that going to the doctor is a “chick thing,” yet more than one-third of dudes in the survey said that a spouse or significant other.... [Read More...]

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Why Dietary Guidelines Are Changing: Full Fat is Back

Why Dietary Guidelines Are Changing: Full Fat is Back

February 27, 2017

When President Dwight Eisenhower had a heart attack in 1955, it changed the way science looked at nutrition. Experts determined that fat was a major obstacle to cardiac health. This hypothesis pointed the finger at fat and meat as the probable cause of heart attacks like the one Eisenhower suffered that day. Since that time, cardiovascular disease and fat have been linked together, especially after clinical research provided evidence that a low–fat, high-carb diet lowers the risk of heart issues. Researchers called cardiovascular disease an epidemic that centered specifically on the amount of fat and cholesterol people ate. They failed.... [Read More...]

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Can Your Future Children be Affected by Your Diet Choices Today?

Can Your Future Children be Affected by Your Diet Choices Today?

April 11, 2016

Your diet choices today could affect members of your family who have not even been born yet. A recent study suggests that, while changing your diet today can help your body recover, a poor diet over the course of several generations can forever alter the digestive tract of your descendants within three or four generations. This means your great-grandchildren can suffer negative effects from what you eat today. Results from a Stanford University School of Medicine study suggest low-fiber diets, like those commonly consumed in the United States and other industrial societies, can result in health problems that you can.... [Read More...]

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Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

January 04, 2016

The New Year is synonymous with making New Year’s resolutions and if you’re like most of us, you’re determined to make positive changes and improve your life in the coming year. Most of us are very serious about our intentions and determined to see them through, but for the vast majority of us, we have a very difficult time letting go of the old habits. And, we’re full of excuses. Let’s face it; we’re not even sure where to begin when it comes to making a personal change. We tell ourselves that we want to eat healthier foods, start exercising,.... [Read More...]

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Was your Mother Right? Can you catch a Cold from the Cold?

Was your Mother Right? Can you catch a Cold from the Cold?

December 07, 2015

Remember when you were growing up and your mother bundled you up in layers of clothing when the weather got chilly?   Even as you got older, your mom was probably still telling you to put another jacket on or you’d “catch a cold”. Many people believe that the colder weather leaves them susceptible to catching the common cold. It certainly makes sense when you consider that most of us tend to cough and sneeze more during the winter months. Was mom right? Or is it another old wives tale? Debunking the Myth During the winter months, they say, as the.... [Read More...]

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Don’t Fall for the Fall

Don’t Fall for the Fall

October 05, 2015

As soon as the kids have gone back to school, it doesn’t seem like much time passes at all before it’s Halloween, then it’s Thanksgiving and before you know it, the Christmas Holiday season is upon us. Hey just a minute, where did the year go? Every year, we go through the same routine, yet every year we put ourselves through the same stress. All that rushing around, making sure everyone’s happy, content and well-fed, just to do it all over again next year. We say we’re not going to do it again this year, but we do. The holiday.... [Read More...]

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Probiotics for Athletes

Probiotics for Athletes

June 29, 2015

When you’re trying to achieve a healthy body weight and lower your risk for a variety of health problems, including heart issues, working out is the way to go. Exercise helps to build stronger muscles, improve flexibility and ramps up the health of your cardiovascular system – all good things. Interestingly, a recent study highlights another possible benefit of working out. In a controlled study, researchers looked at the gut flora, or in other words, the bacterial population inside the intestinal tract of 40 rugby athletes compared to 46 non-athletes. As you might expect, the rugby players did intense workouts.... [Read More...]

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Question Your Meds

Question Your Meds

June 01, 2015

How many times have you visited your doctor and been handed a prescription? It is probably more often than not. Let’s face it – we even expect to receive a prescription. We’ve become accustomed to thinking that we need to take a pill for all that ails us – it makes us feel like there is a neat, easy-to-take remedy when we feel bad and need a quick fix. The use of prescription medication is rising, and for a number of reasons. As mentioned, we want to feel better, so there is patient-driven demand. In addition, many doctors also fear.... [Read More...]

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Introducing Natren Gy-NaTren – Dual-Action Homeopathic and Probiotic Preparation for Feminine Health

Introducing Natren Gy-NaTren – Dual-Action Homeopathic and Probiotic Preparation for Feminine Health

March 10, 2015

At Natren, we have always advocated a natural, holistic lifestyle; encouraging the use of natural products, organic foods and seeking to avoid man-made hazards like GMOs. This month, we are excited to introduce a new formulation of Gy-NaTren for feminine health care. Gy-NaTren is a natural approach to vaginal health for managing yeast overgrowth and restoring balance to the female ecosystem. It is specifically intended for women who wish to avoid traditional chemical-based approaches. The new Gy-NaTren dual-action vaginal health kit includes a 14-day supply of two separate bottles, one with homeopathic vaginal capsules and a second bottle containing oral.... [Read More...]

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Looking Healthy From the Inside Out

Looking Healthy From the Inside Out

March 02, 2015

One of the first things you notice about happy, healthy people is the glow they all seem to have. That inner light they radiate has a lot to do with how their skin looks and feels. You can get that healthy glow by nourishing your skin from the inside out. After all, your skin is the one part of your wardrobe that is with you every day, all year round. So give your skin the attention it deserves by giving it the nutrition and hydration it needs. With a little attention to your inner health, you can get that glow.... [Read More...]

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The Surprising Truth about Colon Cleansing

The Surprising Truth about Colon Cleansing

January 19, 2015

You can’t entirely avoid toxins in food or the ones from the environment, but like most people you want to limit the amount of toxins you’re exposed to. A growing number of websites claim that colon cleansing helps the body eliminate toxins or “detox.” Search the web and you’ll find colon cleansing teas, fiber supplements, herbal concoctions, enemas and even complete colon cleansing kits that claim to clean out your colon and reduce toxins. To get the so-called benefits of colon cleansing, you could use one of these colon cleansing products or enlist the help of a colon cleansing specialist.... [Read More...]

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Recovering After the Holidays

Recovering After the Holidays

January 05, 2015

The aftermath of the holiday festivities is now starting to become a reality. Those rules you lived by all year long, were broken in just a few weeks of holidays, right? You are not alone; so many of us go through this. It’s tough to avoid the allure of the holidays, to have fun, to eat, drink and indulge in things that you know aren’t good for you, but ‘twas the season, and now it’s time to put things right. January is the start of a New Year, and it is also the time to start afresh in your life;.... [Read More...]

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Where has your energy gone?

Where has your energy gone?

October 20, 2014

Life is hectic. We are all stretched thin from work, family, and keeping up a healthy lifestyle. At the end of the day, we are often left wondering where our energy has gone. We end up reaching for stimulants and other products to help us get through the day, but is that the best method? There could be a better, longer lasting way to boost energy. The human body is actually built to produce energy. We just need to give it the tools it needs to produce energy so that we can live life to the fullest. Natural Sources of.... [Read More...]

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How Digestive Systems Change with Age

How Digestive Systems Change with Age

August 25, 2014

Just like every other system in the body, our digestive system changes as we age. Our digestive system, and therefore our natural defenses, becomes more susceptible to changes in our diet, environment, and medication as we enter our golden years. Up to 40% of older adults have one or more age-related digestive symptom each year. Problems like bowel inactivity and occasional acid reflux are all more common in older adults and previous research has shown that around age 60, there is a significant drop in the number of probiotic beneficial bacteria, specifically bifidobacteria in the gut. Because the digestive system is.... [Read More...]

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