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The Surprising Truth about Colon Cleansing

The Surprising Truth about Colon Cleansing

January 19, 2015

You can’t entirely avoid toxins in food or the ones from the environment, but like most people you want to limit the amount of toxins you’re exposed to. A growing number of websites claim that colon cleansing helps the body eliminate toxins or “detox.” Search the web and you’ll find colon cleansing teas, fiber supplements, herbal concoctions, enemas and even complete colon cleansing kits that claim to clean out your colon and reduce toxins. To get the so-called benefits of colon cleansing, you could use one of these colon cleansing products or enlist the help of a colon cleansing specialist.... [Read More...]

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Have Big Brands Turned Yogurt into Junk Food?

Have Big Brands Turned Yogurt into Junk Food?

January 12, 2015

Yogurt is a great functional food with a long history of health benefits in many different cultures throughout the world. Yogurt is a fermented milk product that, according to the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), in order to be called yogurt must be fermented with two characteristic bacterial cultures Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, companies may add additional bacterial cultures as well. It is a simple food, containing just two ingredients: milk and probiotic bacteria… or so it should be … however, a look at the shelves of any major supermarket will show rows of yogurts labeled as “active yogurt”, with an.... [Read More...]

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Recovering After the Holidays

Recovering After the Holidays

January 05, 2015

The aftermath of the holiday festivities is now starting to become a reality. Those rules you lived by all year long, were broken in just a few weeks of holidays, right? You are not alone; so many of us go through this. It’s tough to avoid the allure of the holidays, to have fun, to eat, drink and indulge in things that you know aren’t good for you, but ‘twas the season, and now it’s time to put things right. January is the start of a New Year, and it is also the time to start afresh in your life;.... [Read More...]

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How Our Food Supply is Changing

How Our Food Supply is Changing

December 29, 2014

Just like everything else in life, things they are a changing!  The food we eat today is very different than what we may have eaten a century ago. One hundred years ago, people ate more whole and fermented foods rich in nutrients and grown and raised with fewer or no pesticides. These days, when you buy produce at the grocery store, unless it’s organic, it probably been genetically-engineered and very likely heavily sprayed with pesticides. Packaged foods are no better because many of their vitamins, minerals and fiber that may have been removed during processing and replaced with artificial colorings,.... [Read More...]

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Shelf Stability – The Big Hoax

Shelf Stability – The Big Hoax

December 22, 2014

As scientists expand their understanding of how probiotics benefit gut health and digestion, the market for these products is expanding. While it is exciting to see the benefits that probiotics deliver being embraced by an increasing majority, not all probiotic supplements are created equal, and some manufacturers are making misleading claims that sound good on paper, but result in a less effective product with reduced benefit to the consumer. Some probiotic products claim to be “shelf stable,” the USDA states that shelf stable products are those that are safely stored at room temperature and do not require refrigeration. Room temperature.... [Read More...]

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Healthy Holiday Food Surprises

Healthy Holiday Food Surprises

December 15, 2014

The holidays are a wonderful time of the year not only to enjoy the traditional meals, treats, and specialty dishes with your family, friends, and colleagues, but also to try brand new recipes. If you’re going to consume mass quantities of food this holiday season, why not make them healthy ones! Here’s a look at some traditional holiday ingredients that can instantly become the focal point of new healthy food surprises this season. Cranberries Cranberries are an absolute essential during the holidays, but the best part of these delectable berries isn’t even the delicious taste they bring to your table,.... [Read More...]

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6 Tips for Winter Weather Skincare

6 Tips for Winter Weather Skincare

December 08, 2014

As winter sets in and the temperatures dip, exposure to the elements starts to take a toll on your skin – especially if you live in some of the colder, drier areas of the country. Colder weather means less humidity, so the air dries your skin and suddenly your lips are cracking and your cheeks are chapped. Staying inside doesn’t help either because indoor heaters only add to the dryness. So, how do you take care of your skin and keep that healthy glow all year round? Here are a few ways to help protect your natural exterior from the.... [Read More...]

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Why does Thanksgiving Dinner Give You Gas?

Why does Thanksgiving Dinner Give You Gas?

November 24, 2014

When we think of Thanksgiving, some of the thoughts that comes to mind are good food, family, thankfulness, and togetherness.  But, sometimes that togetherness can be a bit uncomfortable if you are prone to flatulence after the Thanksgiving meal. Follow the Natren holiday survival strategy so you don’t become a toxic guest on this glorious holiday? It goes without saying that most of us tend to overindulge and overeat at Thanksgiving.  It’s hard not to when you’re looking at a full table spread of comfort foods like turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, casseroles, and pie. That football game marathon won’t be.... [Read More...]

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How Your Gut Influences Your Mood

How Your Gut Influences Your Mood

November 17, 2014

As summer draws to a close and autumn bathes the great outdoors in color, most people start thinking about the holidays. Although the holidays are a time of cheer, they’re stressful for a number of people. Too many things to do and too little time to do them. As the days grow shorter and the temperatures drop, the “winter blues” set in. Plus, we let our healthy lifestyle habits slip a bit and indulge in more holiday goodies! Believe it or not, a healthy gut plays a role in helping you maintain a sunny disposition during the cold winter months,.... [Read More...]

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What is Good Health Worth to You?

What is Good Health Worth to You?

November 10, 2014

Everything we do at Natren we do because we care.   Our probiotics aren’t just good, they’re the best.  Yes, we’re a little biased because we started on this journey nearly 4 decades ago and pioneered the probiotic bandwagon not only here in the U.S. but across the globe.   In fact, if you could string together every Healthy Trinity capsule that we’ve manufactured,  we’re certain we’d encircle the globe many times over.   Yes, we know that Natren probiotics are very different from ordinary probiotics,  and we’re definitely making every effort to stand out from the rest.  We also know how important.... [Read More...]

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The Downside to Artificial Sweeteners

The Downside to Artificial Sweeteners

November 03, 2014

On the surface, artificial sweeteners may seem like the perfect fix. Zero calories equals zero guilt right? Well, that’s not how your body and gut see it. These artificial sweeteners may have no calories, but they do have a profound effect on your digestive system – and not in a good way. Artificial sweeteners – like saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame – pass through the body without being digested or absorbed. That’s why food and drinks containing these chemicals are able to claim zero calories. The body may not digest or absorb the artificial sweeteners, but that doesn’t mean they don’t.... [Read More...]

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Probiotics and Blood Sugar

Probiotics and Blood Sugar

October 27, 2014

When your doctor takes a blood sample, one of the things they usually test is your blood sugar level to make sure your body is correctly regulating the amount of glucose in your bloodstream. Usually, most doctors will require that you fast before a blood test because when you haven’t eaten anything for a few hours, your blood sugar usually falls within a narrow range, thanks to a hormone called insulin that regulates it. Doctors will use the fasting blood test to establish a baseline to determine if the amount of glucose in your bloodstream is within normal limits. When.... [Read More...]

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Where has your energy gone?

Where has your energy gone?

October 20, 2014

Life is hectic. We are all stretched thin from work, family, and keeping up a healthy lifestyle. At the end of the day, we are often left wondering where our energy has gone. We end up reaching for stimulants and other products to help us get through the day, but is that the best method? There could be a better, longer lasting way to boost energy. The human body is actually built to produce energy. We just need to give it the tools it needs to produce energy so that we can live life to the fullest. Natural Sources of.... [Read More...]

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What Are Probiotics Anyway?

What Are Probiotics Anyway?

October 13, 2014

We obviously talk a lot about probiotics here because probiotics are ALL that we do. But what exactly are probiotics anyway? To start, it helps to understand that the world is populated by billions and billions of tiny microbes – or microscopic organisms. These microbes make up a large majority of larger life forms and have symbiotic relationships with plants, animals, and humans. Symbiotic literally means “together living” or a close and mutually beneficial relationship between two different species, in this case bacteria and humans. There are actually 10 times more bacteria living on and within the human body than.... [Read More...]

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5 Superfoods for a Super You

5 Superfoods for a Super You

October 06, 2014

“Superfood” is one of those buzzwords you’ve likely heard recently. On the bare bones level, a superfood is a food that offers multiple health benefits when consumed. Integrating these foods into an overall healthy diet can be valuable to anyone looking for an extra boost. While the list of so-called superfoods is growing, there are a few staples that are readily available, offer a host of benefits and that most people will enjoy. Here are five superfoods to try and the benefits they offer: 1. Kale Kale is experiencing a renaissance currently. What used to be used to line the.... [Read More...]

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Microbiota 101

Microbiota 101

September 29, 2014

We talk a lot about the gut microbiota, but what exactly is it? Understanding what the microbiota are, and how they play a role in your overall health will offer insight into why it’s so necessary to protect their delicate balance in our digestive systems. Microbiota simply defined are, “the microorganisms of a particular site, habitat, or geological period.” Microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, protozoa and even some algae, but in the case of the human gut, these microorganisms are mostly bacteria. Role of Microbiota in the Gut Our microbiota build communities within our digestive system. Scientists are still learning more.... [Read More...]

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