The month of May has been declared “Family Wellness Month”. The first thing we ask is – why only a month? Of course, these designated “months” are a great opportunity to draw attention to a particular cause – and this is one that is particularly worthy, and we have dedicated our company to fulfilling. Family wellness means wellness inside and out for everyone. Obviously, as a probiotic manufacturer and supplier, we have a huge focus on digestive health for the entire family – from our Life Start products for infants and expectant mothers, through to our Healthy Start powders, which.... [Read More...]
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[If you are looking for Part 1 of this story, you can find it here] Did you know that you can launch your own probiotic product line with no scientific experience whatsoever? No measurement of effectiveness, no study of how the bacteria interact with each other, and no study of potency through to consumption by the consumer. Well, you can, and we’ll show you exactly how to do it: 1) Secure sufficient funding to place a commercial sized order 2) Gather a marketing team to create tantalizing taglines like “Now with 20 probiotic strains to boost your digestive health” 3).... [Read More...]
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We rely a lot on regulatory authorities to help ensure that products we consume are safe and good for us. We depend upon the FDA to make sure that drug manufacturers are properly regulated and their products are safe, and we trust the USDA to keep our food safe and adequately labeled, so we know exactly what we are eating, and that it too is safe. For instance – you may have noticed small labels on fruit & veg at the grocery stores – sometimes stuck to the produce with impossible-to-remove glue! Well, those labels have a 4 or 5-digit.... [Read More...]
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Sometimes a piece of news comes along which sounds too good to be true, like a glass of red wine being good for your health. Well, that happened again last month at a meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), where a study was presented showing that not only is dark chocolate good for your health, but the reason it is so good for you may be due to our friend, the humble probiotic. Now that’s news that we like to hear! Scientists have for a long time believed that chocolate has beneficial properties, but have never been quite sure.... [Read More...]
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Today (April 22nd) is Earth Day, and gives us a fine opportunity to think about our impact on the environment, and equally importantly, the impact of our environment on our health. A few weeks ago, we wrote about our “Inner Ecosystem” and highlighted the importance of organic foods. This time, we’d like to focus on what organic food really means, and what makes it so special. Historically, all food was organic. Crops were farmed by hand, and later by machine. Meat was a smaller part of our diet, and animals were raised in an open environment with a natural food cycle..... [Read More...]
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Our children today are born into an environment that is substantially different than nature has provided for centuries. We now live in a world where food is more sterile and often genetically altered, antibacterial products are everywhere, and infants are introduced to processed foods at an earlier age. All this takes an increasing toll on the fragile makeup of a newborn’s digestive system. Our digestive system is established in the very early years – in fact, by the time an infant reaches the age of two, the “microbiota” (the name given to the array of bacteria in the gut that.... [Read More...]
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Today (April 7th) is World Health Day – a day set aside to recognize the fine work of the World Health Organization (WHO), and an opportunity to highlight specific health focus areas. Through a process of education and inter-governmental action, the WHO has been progressively tackling worldwide health issues and raising health awareness for 66 years. Each year, the WHO focuses on a theme slogan and this year, it’s vector-borne illnesses – those transmitted by mosquitoes, bugs and ticks that are largely associated with sub-tropical region, but with the rapid and increased movement of people and goods around the world,.... [Read More...]
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Many of us care about the global ecosystem of the planet on which we live. We worry about climate change and the effect that has on the ecosystem of the entire planet. We measure temperature changes relative to “pre-industrialization levels”, because that’s where it all started to change for the worse for the environment: industrialization disrupted the natural balance of the environment faster than nature could recover itself, and the ecosystem was forever changed. But have you every stopped to realize that there is a strong parallel between this global ecosystem, and the inner ecosystem within your body? The human.... [Read More...]
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! A day of hazy celebration that also brings one of the most unlikely vegetable heroes to the dinner table – the humble cabbage. Often ignored, the cabbage is not always the most popular vegetable in the produce isle. However, it is one of the most nutritious vegetables you will find. Did you know that: Cabbage is an incredibly rich source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. In fact, one cup of this veggie provides you with around 90% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. It is also a great source of.... [Read More...]
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One of the great attributes of Natren that elevates the quality of our probiotics above those of others is the length that we go to in protecting the beneficial bacteria from manufacture to gut for maximum potency and effectiveness. Starting with refrigerated delivery all through the supply chain, through to the Oil Matrix Delivery used in Healthy Trinity to protect the beneficial bacteria as it passes through the stomach. But what is this Oil Matrix Delivery System, why is it necessary, and how does it work? Its primary role is to ensure that the beneficial bacterial survive the acid-bath in.... [Read More...]
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Many people have sensitivities to certain food types, however not all sensitivities are equal. Generally, dietary problems are split into two categories – those that are triggered by an immune response, and intestinal-related food intolerance. Immune system related sensitivities are a response to a protein that your body has taken a dislike to, and has determined is a harmful invader. Its common response is to create an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). The next time you encounter this protein, your immune system calls out the troops by releasing IgE antibodies to fight the incoming “bad” protein, and triggering the release.... [Read More...]
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The quest for more truth and honesty in Probiotics took a great leap forward at the Probiota 2014 conference in Amsterdam earlier this month. Event chairman and renowned probiotics expert Professor Gregor Reid highlighted that little is known about the way different species of bacteria interact, citing evidence that many multi-strain probiotics are less effective than those containing just a few strains, because some strains will inhibit the activity of others when placed together. He warned that “The tendency is ‘let’s have 15 strains’ … ‘let’s have 28 billion’, “You’ve got to know what they’re doing. Are they really having an impact?”. For.... [Read More...]
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In late December 2013, the New York Times published an alarming article entitled “Spike in Harm to Liver Is Tied to Dietary Aids”. The article discussed how there has been a huge spike in liver-related diseases, with around 20 percent of drug-related liver disease cases being attributed to dietary supplements, up from 7 percent a decade ago. We are bringing this to our readers’ attention because you have to dig quite deep into the article before you find the single line that says: More popular supplements like vitamins, minerals, probiotics and fish oil had not been linked to “patterns of adverse effects”..... [Read More...]
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Yogurt is one of the best-known probiotic foods. Many well-known brands fill the supermarket shelves; however looking at the label can be a shock. Amongst all those sugars, flavors and preservatives, there are only two required ingredients: Milk and Starting Bacteria. Fortunately, a tasty and healthy yogurt can be easily made at home without all those unnecessary additives. Making yogurt takes three easy steps: Scolding the milk, adding yogurt starter to the cooled milk, and then incubating the milk in a warm place to make the final yogurt. The result is a delicious product that you can eat with a.... [Read More...]
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On January 31st 2014, we say goodbye to the Year of the Snake, and welcome the Year of the Horse. We wish all of our customers a happy and healthy Chinese New Year. It is interesting to take a look at traditional Chinese medicine, and see the similarities with the principles that underpin our work with probiotics. Our philosophy is that the gut and intestines form a “second brain”, which is strongly connected to our primary brain. Great intestinal health leads to stronger natural defenses, a brighter mood, a healthier body, and fewer digestive issues. Similarly, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes.... [Read More...]
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Here at Natren, we obviously believe that we have the best probiotic on the market! We also believe that everyone should make intelligent decisions about their health, especially knowing exactly what they are putting into their body. So rather than just saying how great we are, here are some of the key things to look for when selecting any probiotic. In our last article, we discussed the state of regulation amongst probiotic suppliers and the importance of verified potency. This time, we’ll take a closer look at some of the key things to look for when selecting any probiotic Potency.... [Read More...]
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