It’s well established at this point that beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, are good for humans and animals. Can these beneficial bacteria be good for plants too? Researchers think so. Scientists discover new human health benefits imparted by probiotics every day. Now they think probiotics can benefit plants. In fact, supplementing plants with probiotics may even help feed the world someday. Global population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050, according to the United Nations. Feeding all those hungry mouths will be a tremendous undertaking in the future, considering 795 million people do not have enough food to lead a healthy, active.... [Read More...]
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Green is the Theme this time of year, so we thought we’d liven up the St Patrick’s Day celebrations with a real live drink – literally! This probiotic smoothie is packed full of live beneficial bacteria – great for maintaining a robust & healthy digestive system, and even providing a helping hand if the traditional festivities get out of hand. The Recipe It doesn’t get any easier than this – you’ll need a blender, and the following ingredients: 2 cups of spinach leaves 1 banana 1 medium to large carrot ¾ cup of Natren Yogurt (or the healthiest store-bought natural.... [Read More...]
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Who among us hasn’t suffered from an overactive elbow, throwing back a few too many libations? Nearly everyone who drinks alcohol has overdone it at some point and has suffered the consequences of “brown bottle flu” the next morning. You may know a few tricks for feeling better, such as drinking a lot of water and sleeping it off, but you may not know that the bacteria living in your gut can also make you feel better. It’s true! A number of factors influence how well you recover from hangover symptoms: the amount you drank, the type of liquor, drinking.... [Read More...]
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The bad news this time of year is that the average adult suffers from two to four colds each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and kids catch even more. Children catch the flu about once every two years, and adults come down with the flu about twice every ten years. The good news is that you can reduce your risk of getting sick by taking some preventative steps. Good hand washing habits reduce your risk for catching the flu, for example, while rest and good nutrition can help your body stay as healthy as possible..... [Read More...]
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Since Louis Pasteur first performed formal experiments that determined the relationship between bacteria and disease, researchers have learned a significant amount of information regarding the role that harmful pathogens play in the development of diseases. They have found that bacteria living in the gastrointestinal tract, known as the gut microbiota or gut microbiome, have a significant effect on the health of their host. Beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics, can restore bacterial balance in the gut, prevent and treat diarrhea, improve mood, support weight loss, promote immune function and more. Now some researchers are turning their attention to fungi in the.... [Read More...]
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Exercise can positively change the makeup of the bacteria in your intestines no matter what you eat, according to the results of a new study. The researchers conducted the first trial in mice to test the hypothesis that exercise modifies the bacterial profile of the gut, even without changing what the mice ate. The team published the findings from this first study in the medical journal, Gut Microbes. The scientists performed fecal transplants from 10 mice that had undergone exercise for six weeks to germ-free mice. The mice receiving the transplants showed significant differences in the composition of bacteria in.... [Read More...]
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You may have always loved chocolate for its decadent, creamy flavor and celebrated the news that chocolate may be good for you. You may not know, thought, that the bacteria living in your gut also enjoy chocolate and actually help you reap all the health benefits some of the chemicals in chocolate have to offer. Cocoa beans contain about 380 chemicals, ten of which are those psychoactive compounds that make you feel so good when you eat chocolate. Cocoa beans also contain polyphenols, which are healthy micronutrients in certain plant-based foods. Cocoa beans are chock full of polyphenols – and.... [Read More...]
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Many people do not realize that their bodies play host to tens of trillions of bacteria and that the microorganisms living inside them play a big role in human health. Some of the bacteria, viruses, yeast and other microorganisms can cause ill health. Probiotics are living microorganisms that, in adequate amounts, can provide a health benefit to the host. All living organisms, including the microbiota living in the gut, need food to survive. Probiotics living in the gut consume carbohydrates. They get these carbohydrates, known as prebiotics, from the food the host eats. Most, but not all, prebiotics are a.... [Read More...]
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If you are like many Americans, you made a New Year’s resolution. Many people resolve to improve their health over the next year. In fact, losing weight/healthier eating and life/self improvements are at the top of the list. Getting a clean start is a great way to begin a new year, so many people look for ways to remove toxins from their bodies. About Cleansing When people talk about cleansing, they could mean anything from full-blown colon cleansing, to a cleaning diet. In the past, we have spoken about the dangers of colon cleansing, which aside from being a deeply.... [Read More...]
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The human body contains 11 major organ systems that work together to keep the body safe and healthy. With such a complex and interconnected arrangement, there are often unusual, and sometimes unexplained, interactions between the systems in the body. There are also often links between seemingly unrelated conditions and diseases too. Skin problems can cause stress, for instance, and stress can cause stomach upset. Psoriasis and type 2 diabetes can also affect each other. Psoriasis causes overgrowth of skin cells that results in red, raised patches covered by silvery scales, known as plaques. It can also affect the immune system.... [Read More...]
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The human body contains an ecosystem of bacteria that perform essential functions such as digestion and immune system maintenance. Like any ecosystem, it requires a certain amount of give and take to keep it in optimal balance. That is why a probiotic supplement fits into the daily schedule. As friendly bacteria leave the body, probiotics fill the void to keep that critical ecosystem diverse and well proportioned. Is taking a probiotic each day too much? Well, it’s not just safe to take a probiotic supplement daily, it is recommended for most people. Consider some reasons you might need probiotics every.... [Read More...]
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What is indigestion? Indigestion, medically called functional dyspepsia, is a chronic disorder identified by the feeling of movement in the upper digestive tract. Movement is normal in this region as a person swallows and food begins to digest. For people with functional dyspepsia, the sensation continues even after the patient is finished eating. It is what most people call an upset stomach. Functional dyspepsia is not related to a disease process, like an ulcer or even heartburn – hence the use of the word functional. The abdominal pain and feeling of fullness starts soon after eating and may recur with.... [Read More...]
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to make yogurt at home? You might be surprised how easy it is and the yogurt you can make with a Yogurt Starter like Natren’s is even better than what is available at your local grocery store. Natren offers everything you need to enjoy delicious homemade yogurt with the added benefits that come from our powerful probiotics. Natren’s Yogurt Roots Natren’s founder grew up in a family involved in the yogurt business for generations. Natasha recalls, “As a child, I grew up hearing stories about my ancestors and their prosperous yogurt.... [Read More...]
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Tis the season for overeating and the indigestion that goes with it. Whether you’re facing the yearly battle of the bloat that comes with Thanksgiving dinner or you need to avoid the Christmas cookie tummy blues as you bake, now is the time to start thinking about what you can do to avoid the upset. Natren wants to help you manage your digestive problems this year before the holidays are in full swing. Natren is a pioneer in the development of probiotic solutions that come in handy all year round like GASTRO-pH. What’s Causes Holiday Stomach Upset? The most obvious.... [Read More...]
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There is plenty of clinical evidence that the use of probiotics might help facilitate weight loss, but a new review and meta-analysis puts it all into perspective. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around 37 percent of the adult population is obese. That’s an important statistic when you consider the role obesity plays in disease. Obesity is defined as an excess amount of body fat — typically a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. A person who is extremely obese is likely to suffer from medical problems related to their weight such as osteoarthritis, heart.... [Read More...]
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Is proper chewing the key to good health? Grandma certainly thought so and now dental science is proving her right. Akira Uehama, the president of the Academy of Clinical Dentistry in Japan, calls it a “chewing revolution,” because more than one study shows mindful chewing does have an impact on both physical and mental health. Proper Chewing Increases Energy & Awareness A leading Japanese researcher set out to prove that better chewing habits are important, especially as people age. Japan, just like the U.S., is seeing an escalation in their aging population. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the number.... [Read More...]
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