Research shows that most organisms rely on an ecosystem of living bacteria to thrive, but what about plants? If you assume that plants need healthy bacteria to grow, then what effect would probiotics have on crops? That is a question that a startup company called Indigo thinks it may have answered. This Boston-based AgTech (Agricultural Technology) group is harnessing nature to optimize the health of critical crops. Welcome to the world of probiotic-covered seeds. What are Probiotic-Covered Seeds? Probiotic-covered seeds are a product created by Indigo. The goal is to use the power of microbes to allow plants to thrive.... [Read More...]
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As one of the most popular shows on television, The Biggest Loser provides viewers with inspiration and motivation for losing weight, but is the dramatic weight loss based on good nutritional science? Not really. Nutritional science now suggests that people who try to lose massive amounts of weight quickly may be doing more harm to their bodies – and their waistlines – than good. The Biggest Loser is Not Your Regular Diet At the beginning of each season, 16 contestants weigh in. The contestant who loses the least weight each week leaves the show. Whoever loses the most weight at.... [Read More...]
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What happens when you move the study of gut microbiota out of the first world to look closer at more traditional societies like the remote Amerindians? Individuals that eat, drink and breathe in the United States or Europe are exposed to Western medicine, processed foods and industrial toxins. The Yanomami Amerindians, an isolated Amazonian tribe, do not have the same contact with outside influences as people living in more developed areas of the world. How does this isolation affect gut microbes? That is the question an international group of scientists set out to answer. First Contact There had been no.... [Read More...]
The post Microbiota of Remote Amerindians Reveals Antibiotic Resistance: What does this mean for us? appeared first on Natren Probiotics Blog.
When someone says probiotics, we hope the first thing that comes to mind is Natren Probiotics! If you’ve been reading our blog for a while you know that probiotics are a powerful way to improve digestion, boost immune health and so much more. But did you know that Natren probiotics can also be applied topically to your skin? You can even make your own face mask with just two ingredients! Why You Need a Probiotic Face Mask The skin is our largest organ and home to its own unique set of microorganisms. The beneficial bacteria on the skin work much.... [Read More...]
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School is out and the kids are home and hungry, what are you going to feed them? You want your kids to have a healthy relationship with food, but you also want them to enjoy life. The USDA dietary guidelines suggest half of their plates be filled with colorful fruits and vegetables, and that can lead to mealtime battles and lots of tears. Your job is to teach them that fruits and vegetables are just as fun as burgers and fries. The obsession with healthy eating starts at a young age and lasts a lifetime. You can encourage that progression.... [Read More...]
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Vaginal seeding, a controversial new trend in childbirth, may help restore “good bacteria” in babies born by Caesarean section. Babies born vaginally have higher amounts of good bacteria which some scientists believe help protect babies from developing certain diseases when they grow older. Now some researchers are investigating methods to transfer a mother’s microbiota to her baby if it’s born by Caesarian. Caesarean section is now the most common operating room procedure in the United States, according to a February 2014 release from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Doctors deliver nearly one-third of all babies by Caesarian,.... [Read More...]
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The human digestive system has a unique design that uses mechanical and chemical processes that turn the food a person eats into energy and nutrients the body can use for energy, growth, and cell repair. The process of digestion has many stages in which several organs, tissues and body systems work together to achieve an end goal – in this case, breaking down large, complex molecules into smaller pieces for distribution and use throughout the body. Digestive system organs fall into two main groups: the alimentary canal and accessory organs. Measuring up to 30 feet in length in the average.... [Read More...]
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Dear Friends, I am continually asked why I get so upset when I hear interviews on probiotics or when I see probiotic products on the shelf or advertised on the internet. I get upset because virtually all the individuals who claim to have knowledge of probiotics are ignorant of the probiotic labeling standard that was passed by the entire membership of the National Nutritional Foods Association (which is now the Natural Products Association) in 1989 and further submitted to be read into congressional record in 1995 as our industry’s fiduciary promise to self-regulate. Unfortunately, our industry chooses to ignore the.... [Read More...]
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In the heat of a summer day, nothing beats a cold & refreshing beverage. There are plenty of options out there, but instead of reaching for a soda, why not go for something healthy that will help boost your digestive health as well as keep the heat at bay. We’ve been on the lookout for some classic summer smoothie recipes that can be adapted with Natren’s homemade probiotic yogurt (using our Yogurt Starter) or by simply stirring in any of our probiotic powders, to give your summer treat a little extra functional kick. If you need a little refresher on.... [Read More...]
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Trillions of bacteria inhabit the human gut. While some of the bacteria are unhealthy pathogens, a large number are beneficial to their hosts. Known as the gut microbiota, these bacteria influence digestion, mood and other aspects of human health. Some of the lifestyle decisions we make can change the composition of the microbiota, for the better, and for the worse. The typical American diet is filled with processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect bacterial colony size and diversity within the body. Many people now take probiotics to help their microbiota overcome these effects. Now there is evidence.... [Read More...]
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Probiotics has turned into a marketing buzzword, incorporated into advertising plans for all kinds of products, but how do consumers know what works and what doesn’t? The market for probiotics is growing at an alarming pace with very little accurate information accessible to the public. Everything from packaged goods to cold brew coffee now claims to be a source of probiotics. This fad is leading to more and more “probiotic” junk food on the shelves at your local grocery store. But do you really need probiotics in everything you eat and drink? And what kind of bacteria can last heating,.... [Read More...]
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The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011 with rates of ADHD diagnosis increasing an average of 5% per year between 2003 and 2011. The condition has no racial or socioeconomic bias as it is reported in all ethnic groups. The statistics for other autism spectrum disorders including Asperger syndrome (AS) are just as grim. A new study brings hope for parents with newborns. Probiotics given early in life may be the answer to avoiding neuropsychiatric disorders like ADHD and AS later.... [Read More...]
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Gout is on the rise around the world and gut health may be part of the problem. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases calls gout one of the most painful forms of arthritis out there and recent statistics show around 8.3 million people in the U.S. have it, that’s about 3.9 percent of the population. While 3.9% may not sound like much, another 21% of the U.S. population has a precursor to the disease called hyperuricemia. This new research suggests that the microbes living in our guts could potentially be used as a screening tool for.... [Read More...]
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In this blog, we try to provide well-researched insight into the world of Probiotics and Healthy Living, however sometimes other people can say it better than us. So this time, one of our customers tells their story, in their own words, about how Natren products have helped them personally. We think it’s a wonderful story – we hope you agree. I am 26 years old. Since the age of 9, I have suffered from gas, bloating, diarrhea, and overall intestinal discomfort. I recall multiple visits to the gastroenterologist throughout my child, adolescent, and adult years for these issues. After countless blood.... [Read More...]
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Whenever we learn of exciting new research on the gut microbiota, it reminds us of the work we do every day, and particularly the positive impact that probiotics have both in the animal kingdom, and mankind. Some of the most interesting research involves the communication between the human brain and our gut. These latest findings offer new perspectives on how we may be able to improve our physical and psychological well being through early childhood physical activity. Seizing the Window of Opportunity A recent study on the gut-brain connection, conducted at University of Boulder, is particularly interesting since it demonstrates that.... [Read More...]
The post Starting an Exercise Program Early in Life Shows Benefits to Gut, Brain and Metabolic Health appeared first on Natren Probiotics Blog.
Ladies we all have a vagina, yet many of us are too embarrassed to talk about it. We don’t discuss it with our friends, our partners, and we’re often embarrassed to say the word vagina to our doctor. In this day and age, it’s so difficult to believe how we approach women’s health. Let’s face it, if we’re not comfortable with our own bodies, avoiding treatment when something’s wrong downstairs, can have serious implications for our overall health. Overcoming the Taboo How do we overcome the taboo and take charge, not just for ourselves, but our daughters and granddaughters when.... [Read More...]
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