May 13, 2013
In our blog last week, we discussed some pointers for keeping your digestive system in great shape. We highlighted a number of suggestions that, in effect, bring your diet and lifestyle closer to its “natural state” where we are living off the land, farming and catching our own food, physically working hard to survive, and generally returning our bodies to their evolutionary (or intelligently designed, depending on your beliefs) origins.
The reality though, is that we are not cavemen. The stresses of today’s world make it very difficult to keep the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract. You can begin to supplement the loss of good bacteria through your diet by eating fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir. Sauerkraut, pickles, miso soup, and even tempeh are other good sources of friendly flora.
Yet diet alone is not enough to restore friendly flora in our intestines that have been damaged by processed foods, poor nutrition, pollution, and all the other factors that adversely affect out bodies. That’s where probiotics come in – they provide an effective supplement that will noticeably improve your digestion, provide support for the absorption of nutrients, and improve regularity.
Probiotics serve as a welcome helping hand to our natural inner workings. By introducing additional, naturally occurring, and friendly bacteria into our digestive system, we are helping to compensate for the more destructive foods and chemicals that are bodies are subjected to in today’s world.
Bacteria is not a word that most people associate with “friendly.” But in fact, it is the very friendly bacteria lining your 27 feet of digestive tract that keep you and your body functioning properly. These organisms work for you and assist your body in dealing with harmful bacteria, toxins and chemicals. Your immune system is also part of your GI tract.
Digestive health is only one of the reasons that probiotics are so important for people both of all ages. They also offer an extra boost of natural defenses, especially for babies and children. By keeping that balance in digestive tract, probiotics assist the body in dealing with bad bacteria, which invariably enters from the outside world.
Over the coming weeks, we will focus in on some of the unique benefits that probiotics can deliver. We also hope to educate you on the most important elements of how these benefits get delivered and how your body interacts with probiotics, so that you can make the most informed decisions possible about what you put into your body.
The post Why Probiotics? appeared first on Natren Probiotics Blog.
November 27, 2023
Feasting is one of the best parts of the holiday season, from magnificent main courses to delectable desserts. Unfortunately, food-related disasters, such as food poisoning, stomach upset, and overeating can make the holidays a lot less pleasant. But, with your hectic schedule of decorating, shopping, gift giving, cooking and eating, how can you take the time to ensure that the food you eat will not ruin your holidays? Simple – use this holiday health survival guide! It’s full of valuable information to help protect you and your family from foodborne bacteria and other digestive problems. About Foodborne Illnesses Foodborne illnesses.... [Read More...]
The post Holiday Health Survival Guide – Avoid These Seasonal Hazards appeared first on Natren Probiotics Blog.
May 17, 2021
January 17, 2020
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